I have heard a lot about Opstra but I don’t feel like paying money before understanding the whole platform. Do they offer any trial period or a free version? What are the paid plans? Is the Opstra app affordable as compared to others?

I have heard a lot about Opstra but I don’t feel like paying money before understanding the whole platform. Do they offer any trial period or a free version? What are the paid plans? Is the Opstra app affordable as compared to others?
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Short Answer

Opstra Definedge is an Options analytics platform that provides various tools and screeners to find out the most effective strategies and implement them. Opstra is an excellent platform for beginners as well as advanced options traders who want to build new Option trading strategies and backtest them. Opstra provides many features such as Options Backtesting, Options Simulator, IV chart, OI (Open Interest), and much more.

Detailed Answer

What is Opstra?

Opstra Definedge is an Options Trading Analytics platform that provides necessary Option trading tools for Options and Derivatives trading. This includes Options & Futures. Opstra is a great tool for options traders as it provides an Options simulator and options backtesting. These features help traders to backtest strategies and also implement them with virtual money.

Opstra also provides many other advanced charts like the OI (Open Interest) chart and Option IV (Implied Volatility). By looking at all these data a trader can anticipate the mood of the market and place his trades accordingly.

Is Opstra Free?

No, not completely, Opstra offers 2 versions as of now which are the “Free” version (Free Plan) and a “Paid” version(Pro Plan). There are some major feature benefits with the Paid version. The free version lacks many features like live price tracking, Backtesting, Options simulator, etc. A list of the differences between the Free and paid version of Opstra is given below.

Opstra futures app...jpg

As seen in the above list Opstra provides most of the advanced features in its paid version. In order to get access to all the features, one has to buy the Monthly Subscription.

In the Opstra Futures section, the following features are available.

Opstra futures app...jpg

Similar to the Optra Options app the Futures part of Opstra doesn't provide the live price data updates and many other features.

Pricing of Opstra

Opstra Definedge has 2 different price plans.

  1. Free Plan
  1. PRO Plan

In the free plan, there are no charges to use the platform but only a limited few features are available to use in the Free Plan. On the other hand, the Pro plan offers only 1 level of subscription at Rs 1300 per month (+ 18% GST).

Opstra offers a 23% discount when purchasing the PRO plan for a duration of 6 months. The cost of the Pro plan for 6 months is Rs 1000 per month + 18% GST added extra. Opstra does not provide any yearly plan. If someone wants to subscribe to Opstra then they would have to either opt for the Monthly or 6-monthly plan.

Tagged With: Opstra DefinedgeOptions TradingFutures TradingDerivativesOpstra Subscription
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Discussion (2)

It is one of the best platforms for option and derivative trading. It also offers advanced charts and tables for analysis of data by the individuals. It has both free and paid version, both offering various functions. It is one of the best platforms and allows users to select the investment product in which they wish to look for market opportunities.

Opstra Definedge is a dedicated tool for traders who are invested greatly in options trading. Though it isn't free, the plans are reasonable who might be looking to trade only in options contracts. For anyone who might be looking to test out options contracts, then there are brokerage platforms that could fulfill your cravings.

Related FAQs
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If you're looking for a straightforward and comprehensive take on options trading, then Sensibull should do the job perfectly. However, if you're and expert and want more complex trading tools, then Opstra is the one to choose.

Which is a better platform Sensibull or Opstra for Options trading?

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