Option Greeks are the financial indicators. Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega are the option Greeks and deals with different variables such as price, maturity, volatility.
Options Premiums are primarily made up of two values. Intrinsic Value and Time Value. Whereas the change in the price of the Option premiums is dependent on five factors called Option Greeks. These are Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, and Rho. Know more about options greeks and which Greeks should a trader keep an eye on while trading Options.
As more and more people try their hand in Options trading, the demand for good Options trading and analytics platforms is on the rise. There are many online options trading platforms out there. Know if Quantsapp is a good online Options Analytics platform.
Option Selling can be considered as a full-time business for traders. Similar to a business, you cannot expect extraordinary returns in options selling. You, as an options seller have an edge over option buyers and the chances of making money are higher. Know how much money can be made by selling Options.
Gamma is an Option Greek that affects the change in the Option premiums. Options traders need to know about Gamma and some other Option greeks to calculate the risk per trade. The effect of Gamma becomes stronger as the expiry approaches. The Gamma also increases as an Option becomes ITM or ATM from OTM. Know more about it here.
Option delta is a segregation under Option Greeks. Option Greeks are used by option traders to decide what kinds of threats their positions are subject to and how many of them are there.
Options trading involves many factors such as Options Greeks. Options Greeks like Delta, Theta, and Gamma have the most impact on Option prices towards the end of the expiry. The option premiums are impacted highly by Gamma and Delta on the day of expiry. Learn more about Options greeks and how they impact option premiums.
Option Buying is more common when compared to options selling. This is because option buying requires less capital and the maximum profit is uncapped. This lures many small retail traders who ultimately lose money when it comes to options buying for various reasons. Follow these strategies to increase your chances of generating profits.
Options Buying requires a lot of skills and effort from the trader. It is not easy to generate profits using Option buying. Many factors work against Options Buying. Let's look at some of the factors and find out if it's a good idea to start Options Buying with small capital.
With the increasing exposure of the stock markets, more and more people are trying a hand in options trading. Options trading have become a lucrative place for individuals to earn money. The reality is certainly different. More than 95% of individuals lose money in Options trading, There are various reasons behind this. Find out the reasons for losses and the steps by which you can be a profitable options trader here.
A paired options contract is an options trading strategy where 2 option contract of the same underlying asset is executed at the same time. It involves a combination of buying a Call option and selling a Put Option or vice versa. Some strategies of a paired options contract are Straddle, Strangle Spread, etc.
Harshil Patel
The greek indicators are quite helpful when it comes to intraday trading. Indicating the exact points of buying or short selling. Each indicator analysis different spectrums such as volume, sniper entry, volatility, price shift, etc.