TradingView supports broker integration through specific brokerage accounts. Learn how to connect your brokerage account to TradingView.
TradingView is a renowned stock screener and charting platform worldwide. It allows charting and detailed analysis of major financial instruments listed on major exchanges of the world. It offers its users a wide range of features and tools from basic charting to professional tools required to perform technical and fundamental analysis in depth.
The TradingView platform supports only specific brokerage services. Services such as, TradeStation, and others are available on their platform. You should initiate the account opening procedure from a broker of your choice which is supported on their platform.
Follow the account opening procedure of the brokerage which includes submitting/uploading documents. After verifying your details, you will receive your login credentials on your registered email ID. You will use these login credentials in the later steps of the process.
TradingView gives you various options to create an account on their platform. You can use your email address to sign up for it. Google Sign Up and other services such as signing up from Facebook, Apple ID, Yahoo or LinkedIn are also available for logging into their platform.
You have to select your preferred plans from the pricing tab that appears after signing up. They offer free and premium plans for different types of users. You can select any plan of your choice or continue with the free plan.
After setting up your TradingView account, a stock analysis screen appears after you select any security from the menu. You have to select "Trading Panel" from the bottom menu on this screen. As you select the option, a new menu opens up. You can see different compatible brokerage service providers in this menu.
You have to select your brokerage name and click "Connect". It will redirect you to another window asking for brokerage login credentials which you received at the account opening in Step 1. After entering your details, you can start executing transactions from TradingView.
Two buttons of BUY and SELL appear o the trading panel after you successfully connect your brokerage account. You can choose the security you want to buy or sell, select the quantity, choose different order types and execute the transactions from the interface directly.
No, TradingView is not a stock broker. You can only do Virtual Trading on TradingView's servers, connect your broker account for trading in real markets. TradingView is itself not a stock broker but you can use it with major stock brokers. Let's learn more about different functions of linking stock brokerage accounts on TradingView.
TradingView is a stock analysis platform. You can link your brokerage account from your TradingView account if you have an account with any of the brokerage companies listed below. So, it allows you to integrate your brokerage account to their platform to perform transactions directly.
TradingView is one of the best technical analysis tool. But, can you trade directly through this stock screening and charting software? The answer is No!
You cannot trade directly on TradingView. TradingView supports trading from one of their supported stock brokers. The platform also offers virtual or paper trading. Let's get into some more details on this super-charting platform.
TradingView is a popular analysis tool known for its powerful capabilities and potential. The best brokerage for TradingView in USA is Tradestation. The best brokerage for TradingView in Canada is Interactive Brokers. The best brokerage for TradingView in India is Dhan.
TradingView offers a 30 days free trial. You can start with their Free Basic Plan to explore this interesting trading platform. In fact, TradingView is a high-end data analysis software, it's understandable even if it charges for its premium features.
INDmoney seems to be ranking high amongst best stock brokers to invest in US stocks from India. You can begin investing in US stocks by opening a commission-free account. Additionally, it provides a safe platform for investing in IPOs of US companies and offers a lot more features.
TradingView is a stock analysis and screening platform. It allows integration with only some specific brokers which supports trading through their terminal. Although, TradingView supports most of the well known brokerage companies. However, you cannot use any broker on their platform.
TD Ameritrade doesn't charge any platform or data fees. It costs nothing to trade stocks and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). However, you can't consider Thinkorswim to be completely free in USA. A $0.65 per contract fee applies for options trades.
Non-U.S citizens cannot directly open an account with a U.S based broker as they would not possess the necessary documents, required to open an account with a U.S broker. But there are many U.S based international brokers like 'Interactive Brokers', etc, who allow users from multiple countries to open an account with them. Using that account you can easily gain access to the U.S markets.
There are various ways in which you can invest in Indian stock market from USA. Let's see how you can invest in Indian stocks from United States of America.