CapitalCube is a global stock analysis platform where you can analyze any stock from any country your want. The platform provides numerous criteria for you to choose and analyze stocks. Not all the features on the platform are free hence in order to perform certain actions you will have to subscribe to a plan offered by CapitalCube.
CapitalCube is a stocks analytics platform that allows you to analyze international stocks. The platform provides fundamental research reports and other content for more than 50,000 stocks and ETFs all over the world. You can analyze and filter out stocks from any region and country of the world.
By using CapitalCube, you can easily analyze any stock from any country. To analyze any stock there are two options.
If you have to filter out the stock that you need then you can use the following steps,
By following these steps, you can analyze any stock belonging to any country. One thing to note, that the basic or the free version of CapitalCube does not offer the analysis features. You will have to subscribe to either the Premium or Pro plan that starts from $29.99 per month for the Premium plan. Under this plan, you can get access to all the necessary features of the platform like Stock and ETF analysis, and much more.
TradingView is a financial market analysis tool. It has charts, lots of technical indicators and social networking features as well. Yes, TradingView is available in many countries like India, Russia, UK and The US including Canada.
Like FinViz, TradingView is another popular stock screening platform. It is loaded with all the necessary stock screening filters. Apart from the number of screening features, it offers a easy-to-use platform and also alternatives like paper trading, etc.
CapitalCube provides three different plans for you to choose from including a free plan. The Basic Plan is a free plan that offers only 3-4 features. The Premium plan is the best plan for investors/traders which provides most of the features. Know more about the details and pricing of these plans.
Are you looking forward to buying an ETF in Canada? You simply have to open an account on the trading platform of your choice that offers ETFs and start investing.
This is a tricky question and does not have an exact answer. However, an average Canadian is likely to invest less than $2,000 in stocks. This number is not fixed and may go up or down based on an individual's earning, saving, expenses and financial gaols.
Based on our analysis, Questrade seems to be the best day trading broker in Canada. It offers a dedicated intra day trader tool which enables you to be well-informed about the markets.
No, you cannot use Robinhood in Canada. Only United States citizens, US permanent residents or those with a valid United States visa can sign up for a Robinhood account.
Fractional Shares are a great way of innvesting into major companies and diversifying portfolio through buying parts of a company's share. Wealthsimple Trade allows its users to invest in fractional shares through their platform by visiting the "Fractional Shares" window.
Based on the historical data, the Canadian stock performances haven’t even gone close to the US stocks. However, nobody knows what the future holds for us.
Yes, Canadian stocks prove to be a shelter to investments with its wide variety of natural resources and stable banking system.